When children arrive in reception it is a carefully thought-out process with lots of preparation. But it could be argued that the move from reception to year 1 gets less attention. Suzanne O’Connell gives us 10 suggestions for making it smoother
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1, Staff working together

There can be a tendency for year 1 staff to spend more time in discussion with year 2 than reception. Avoid organisational arrangements that separate reception from year 1. You need to make sure that the transition is as seamless as possible and to do this there needs to be tight planning and good communication between the two year groups.


2, Involve your subject coordinators

Ofsted recently raised some concerns about the extent to which the science curriculum of reception classes provided a sufficiently robust foundation for the science curriculum in year 1 (2023). The emphasis now is very much on having a clear framework for progression and this starts as soon as the pupils enter the school.

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