Best Practice

Top 10 tips for… When you don’t have a school library

Almost 1 in 7 primary schools do not have a dedicated school library. Suzanne O’Connell offers 10 ideas for how we can still give pupils a library provision even with no dedicated library space
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Research from the Primary School Library Alliance (2022) tells us that across the UK 1 in 7 state primary schools (14%) have no library provision, equating to 2,900 schools. If your setting is not able to have a dedicated library space, here are 10 ideas to keep books and reading high-profile nonetheless.

This article has been published alongside a second piece considering primary schools that do have a dedicated library space and offering 10 ideas to make the most of this valuable resource. Find this article here.


1, Classroom libraries

Without the luxury of a dedicated library space, a popular option is to find a corner of each classroom to designate as your library. The danger is that it becomes a corner that is ignored with a selection of books that is rarely refreshed. But less could be more.

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