Best Practice

Using the school library for inquiry-based learning

The school library and school librarian can play a key role in supporting pupils to develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills via inquiry-based learning. Elizabeth Hutchinson and Clare Brumpton break down the six stages of the FOSIL approach

The School Library Guidelines published by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA, 2015) outline five core instructional activities of the school librarian and in this series of articles we are looking at how your school's librarian might be able to support each of these areas. They are:

Following on from our previous article about information literacy and the school librarian we now want to move onto inquiry-based learning.


What do we mean by inquiry-based learning models?

Inquiry-based learning is so much more than just research. It is looking more deeply into a topic which not only enhances knowledge and meaning but literacy levels too.

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