Best Practice

Work scrutinies as a part of school improvement

Joint work scrutinies are a potential feature of Ofsted inspection. To help prepare, Kaley Foran looks at making joint work scrutinies a regular and constructive part of your school improvement processes

Work scrutinies can cover a variety of things. For example, your focus might be an area of concern you have identified, a priority in your school improvement plan or to check that pupils’ work over time reflects your curriculum intent.

Ask yourself, why am I proposing this work scrutiny? What am I trying to find out? Make sure your focus is consistent and specific across the school so you have a “golden thread” of comparison and can make whole-school judgements (if appropriate). This will help make sure your work scrutinies have more impact through sharing best practice between different classes. Given your focus, think about what you hope to see as best practice and note down these criteria.

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