Best Practice

Working relationships: Dealing with difference

If we want to build better relationships with colleagues, it ultimately starts with us. But dealing with differences and building workplace relationships is not always easy. Leonie Hurrell advises

"It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognise, accept, and celebrate those differences."
Audre Lorde, Caribbean-American writer, poet and activist

As humans we are naturally social creatures. This can be especially true for people working in education who are often self-described “people people”.

Psychologists recognise that the desire to feel connected to others is a basic human need. Interpersonal relationships have a significant impact on our mental health, behaviour and physical health. This is true in both our personal and professional lives. In short, good relationships really matter.

We are wired to be highly responsive to social interactions. When we connect, the brain releases oxytocin, a powerful hormone shown to reduce stress and promote growth and healing.

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