
Best Practice Focus: Ofsted's subject deep dives: Case studies, tips and advice

Publish Date: Edit Date: Ofsted
The subject deep dive has become one of the most challenging aspects of Ofsted inspection. This seven-page download offers crucial advice about deep dives and tips, examples and case studies showing how primary schools can prepare for and navigate them effectively and with successful outcomes.


Ever since their introduction in the 2019 framework, the subject deep dive has become one of the most challenging aspects of primary school inspection. In this Best Practice Focus, Suzanne O’Connell looks at how we can prepare for and navigate deep dives successfully...

The in-depth article offers support to senior leaders and subject leaders to ensure your school is prepared and you know what to expect. We consider:

The free seven-page pdf can be downloaded by clicking above. Readers may also be interested in Headteacher Update's recent podcast on Ofsted inspection in the primary school, which offers a wealth of advice and tips including a focus on subject deep dives. You can find this here.

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