
Ofsted signals focus on curriculum

Publish Date: Edit Date: Inspection advice
Chief inspector Amanda Spielman has praised the quality of the education system in Ofsted’s annual report, but with a new inspection framework looming the document also set out some clear priority areas...

Ofsted has praised the exceptional “dedication and commitment” of teachers and professionals working with children across England as its annual report confirmed that the vast majority of schools are rated good or outstanding.

In launching the report last month, chief inspector Amanda Spielman said that the quality of education and care provided to young people today is “better than ever” and reported evidence of “widespread good practice” and “continual improvement”.

Ofsted’s figures show that 94 per cent of early years providers and 90 per cent of primary schools (and 79 per cent of secondaries) are considered to be good or outstanding. However, the report also highlights a number of areas of concern...

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