
Schools face 'Mocksted' strike threat from NUT

Publish Date: Edit Date: Inspection advice
Schools that operate so-called "mocksteds" or whose teachers face "excessive accountability" could face local strike action after a motion was passed unanimously by members of the National Union of Teachers.

The union's annual conference in Harrogate heard a number of passionate and angry speeches from teachers describing the negative impact that the fear of Ofsted is having on schools.

A motion before delegates called on the union to campaign for the abolition of Ofsted and to carry out research into its impact on children's education, pedagogy and curriculum.

It also called on the union to support school groups "in escalating to strike action" if teachers face mock Ofsted inspections – known as "mocksteds" – in their schools, or if they have "excessive accountability imposed on them".

The motion, which was passed by delegates, added: "Conference condemns the notion, held by many school leaders, that schools should be 'Ofsted-ready' at all times.

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