
A planning guide for schools 2022/23

A range of tools and resources have been produced compiling the most recent and relevant evidence for schools so that they can plan ahead for the coming academic year.

The Education Endowment Foundation resources are centred on a new guide entitled Moving forwards, making a difference: A planning guide for schools 2022 /23.

The guide offers practical insights to help school leaders plan for the on-going recovery of all pupils, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

It draws upon the EEF’s tiered model of high-quality teaching, targeted academic support, and wider strategies (such as improving attendance). It discusses how best we might focus “time, effort, and resources by identifying evidence-informed strategies with the greatest potential to support pupil attainment”.

The 32-page guide includes the most recent available evidence for schools and wider links to other EEF resources, research and support.

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