
Getting interventions right: Popular EEF implementation guidance is revamped and updated

The importance of “de-implementing” teaching and learning interventions that have run their course or proved ineffective has been stressed in a new evidence-based guide for schools.
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The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has published an update to its popular implementation guidance.

The new edition of A School’s Guide to Implementation (Sharples et al, 2024) is based on a review of the latest educational research and practice into what has and has not worked in the classroom in the past.

It advises on how to implement new teaching and learning strategies well and maximise the impact on staff practice and pupil learning – and crucially how to "de-implement" approaches, urging schools to do "fewer things better".

The guide sets out a “people-centred” approach to “effective and careful” implementation and focuses on three key elements: 

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