
Moodboosters: Getting moving to boost emotional skills

A toolkit of resources has been published to help primary school pupils get moving while also learning to manage their feelings and develop emotional and social skills.

Entitled Moodboosters, the initiative has been launched by the BBC and features a new website that is offering primary school teachers, parents and children short, simple and fun videos featuring activities that can be used throughout the school day.

The Moodboosters activities give children the tools and language to help them manage their feelings and learn emotional and social skills. They also promote movement and exercise.

The activities have been devised with the help of children’s mental health charity Stormbreak and subject specialists to make physical movement enjoyable and give a sense of wellbeing.

The resources support the PSHE curriculum for five to 11-year-olds and the videos are all curriculum-linked and come alongside a teacher guide to support using Moodboosters in lessons.

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