
Nature Prize offers funding for school biodiversity projects

A new prize is offering support for schools seeking to increase access to nature, improve biodiversity, and promote climate action.
Green fingers: Outdoor learning at St Catherine's Primary in Glasgow, a Let’s Go Zero school (image supplied)

The initiative has been launched by the Let’s Go Zero campaign, which is working to support schools to go zero carbon by 2030.

Schools, nurseries, and colleges from across the UK are invited to enter for the chance to win funding to implement nature projects and bring their students “closer to nature”.

There are 25 prizes available – 10 prizes of £1,000 and 15 prizes of £200. Planting vegetables, creating outdoor learning spaces, or building bug hotels are just some of the ways schools can encourage nature in the school grounds, but schools are encouraged to be as creative as possible in their entries.

Judges will be particularly looking for projects whose impact reaches beyond the school gates, such as inviting members of the community, local businesses, or other schools in to learn about, or take part in, nature projects.

Judges are also keen to see applications from schools in less-advantaged areas, or for projects that benefit less-advantaged students. They also want to hear about how students have helped with project planning – and how they would help bring the idea to life if their school was successful.

The prize is being launched in partnership with the OVO Foundation, whose head Hannah Howard said: “We know how important it is for children to have access to nature, and to be equipped with the skills, knowledge, and opportunities to protect it. We hope the OVO Foundation Nature Prize will act as a catalyst for schools to kickstart climate action within their grounds, helping students, teachers, and wider communities to connect with nature.”

The Let’s Go Zero campaign is a coalition of environmental organisations pushing for all UK schools to be zero carbon by 2030. The campaign is run by Ashden, a UK-based climate solutions charity, and offers a range of support and resources for schools