
Therapeutic schools: Some quick wellbeing ideas

Continuing her series on creating therapeutic school environments, Shahana Knight offers three ideas for encouraging wellbeing skills and healthy mindsets

The age of the therapeutic school is upon us. Schools across England are changing practices and introducing a more reflective, whole-school, therapeutic approach to education.

We are aware that numbers of children struggling with ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) and childhood trauma are rising. We are also aware of the negative affects of social media and technology. We know children spend less time playing and less time outdoors. The impact of just these few factors alone is significant.

Do your classrooms, teaching styles and lessons reflect this? There are many ways in which we can begin to change things and refocus the learning objectives we have for our children with an emphasis on emotional wellbeing and mental health. Ask yourself: is the children’s emotional wellbeing and mental health a priority at your school? If so, what are you doing to teach them that it should be their priority too? Here are some ideas for supporting children learning about and valuing their own emotional and mental health.

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