Best Practice

In-school tutoring interventions: Five approaches

Publish Date: Edit Date: Tutoring Covid recovery Interventions
One-on-one and small group tutoring provision for those who need extra support has been shown to have an impact on pupil progress. Emmanuel Awoyelu looks at the different approaches schools might consider
Image: Adobe Stock

We have seen a development in the way tutoring is utilised in mainstream education across the country. Schools are now offering tutoring as a provision alongside traditional classroom-based teaching and learning, this of course following the Department for Education’s Covid recovery programme and the advent of the National Tutoring Programme (DfE, 2023a).

Many schools are making use of the NTP funding, despite reduced subsidies. This year, mainstream schools will receive from the NTP grant a minimum of £67.50 per eligible Pupil Premium pupil and non-mainstream schools receive a minimum of £176.25. The money can be spent on any pupil deemed to require tutoring, but schools must prioritise disadvantaged pupils (DfE, 2023a). NTP funding can be used to pay for 50% of the total cost incurred to deliver tutoring. This is subject to the maximum hourly per-pupil rate of £18 for mainstream schools and £47 for non-mainstream schools (DfE, 2023b).

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