Best Practice

Supporting transitions out of primary school: Planning begins now

It may be September but planning for the year 6 to 7 transition begins now. Sara Alston considers pupils’ and families’ common concerns and how we can work together with our secondary colleagues to address them and achieve a smooth transition

Sadly, much of year 6 can be focused on leaving it. The year begins with visits to and applications for secondary schools meaning that for some children and parents it becomes an underlying anxiety throughout the year.

This concern increases once SATs are over and children begin the rituals of leaving primary school.

We need to recognise and balance the value of the year 6 experience and learning in itself and its role as preparation for secondary education.

This includes recognising that a successful transition requires preparation for all and additional support for some children.

In this article I set out some basic principles for supporting this important transition to help inform your transition planning for this year’s year 6 cohort when they make the move up to secondary next year.

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